The Platreef deposit, located in the northern part of South Africa’s prevalent Bushwild block, contains a very high concentration of platinum group elements (PGEs), which are present in telluride minerals (about 20-45% platinum group metals). The telluride metal containing platinum group elements is a moncheite (Pt, Pd) (Bi, Te) 2 and PtTe2) and a bismuth platinum (merenskyite) (Pd, Pt ) 2 and PdTe2). The results show that these minerals may enter the flotation tailings. The purpose of this study is to determine their floatability and its relationship with the surface properties of minerals. The surface properties and floatability of artificially synthesized minerals were studied by using trace flotation, Zeta potential, ToF-SIMS and XPS. The addition of copper sulfate reduced the floatability of bismuth palladium-platinum-tellurite and bismuth-platinum-palladium-tellurite, while the addition of xanthate improved the floatability of minerals. When only xanthate was added, xanthate adsorption on the mineral surface was higher than after copper sulfate addition. The oxidation process negatively affects the buoyancy of the platinum group metal telluride minerals containing bismuth without affecting the telluride minerals of the platinum group metals (Pt and Pd) that do not contain bismuth. Fine grinding reduces mineral flotation recovery. Calcium ion concentration in flotation water increases from 80.10-6 500.10-6 No negative effect on the floatability of PdTe2 minerals.