现使用的病案首页是根据卫生部的要求 ,为便于医院管理、病案资料和检索、医疗质量的评价 ,统计分析等多方面需要设计的。病案首页是一份完整病案的缩影。一名具有高度责任心的临床医生填写的一份全面、准确的病案首页就能为以后的医疗、教学、科研工作提供第一手可靠的科学依
The current medical record homepage is in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health and is designed to facilitate hospital management, medical record data and retrieval, medical quality evaluation, and statistical analysis. The medical record home page is a microcosm of a complete medical record. A highly responsible clinical doctor fills out a comprehensive and accurate medical record homepage to provide first-hand reliable scientific evidence for future medical, teaching, and scientific research work.