一天下午,有位30多岁的妇女被送到郑州大学第三附属医院。她腹痛难忍,面色苍白,四肢发冷。值班妇产科大夫立即为她检查,并从她的腹腔内抽出了数毫升不凝血,确诊为宫外孕导致的输卵管妊娠破裂。当即由妇产科专家为她实行了腹腔镜手术,清除了病灶,结扎了输卵管的破损部位,历时一个多小时,这位妇女终于转危为安。 宫外孕又称异物妊娠,是受精卵(即孕卵)不在子宫腔内,而在子宫腔以外的部位着床发育。按受孕卵发育部位的不同,可分为输卵管妊娠、卵巢妊娠和腹腔妊娠。其中
One afternoon in the afternoon, a woman in his 30s was sent to the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University. Her belly pain, pale, limbs cold. Obstetrics and gynecology doctor on duty immediately for her examination, and extracted from her abdominal cavity a few milliliters of non-coagulation, diagnosis of tubal pregnancy rupture caused by ectopic pregnancy. Immediately by the obstetrics and gynecology specialist for her laparoscopic surgery to remove the lesion, ligation of tubal damaged parts, which lasted more than an hour, the woman finally turned the corner. Ectopic pregnancy, also known as foreign body pregnancy, is the fertilized egg (ie, pregnant egg) is not in the uterine cavity, and implantation in the uterine cavity outside the site development. According to the different parts of the fertilized egg development can be divided into tubal pregnancy, ovarian pregnancy and abdominal pregnancy. among them