Internet就像一个浩瀚的知识海洋,里面蕴藏着取之不尽的信息宝藏。如何挖掘开采它,获得人们需要的东西,目前还存在着两方面的问题:首先,人们手头的查询工具太多,有WWW(World Wide Web)、Gopher、FTP以及不计其数的专题新闻组、消息表等等;其次,Internet网上的资源没有确定的分类,人们要查找的是一堆毫无组织、地址不唯一的信息。同时,那些热心的程序员、厂商、经纪人还在源源不断地往Internet上填充着他们的东西。这无形中给检索工作带来了很大难度,没有一定的方法,在Internet上查询信息犹如大海捞针。哪种情况下该用什么样的工具帮你简便快捷地找到你想要的信息,看了本文以后,或许会对你有所帮助。
The Internet is like a vast sea of knowledge with untold treasures of information. There are still two problems at present: First, there are too many people who have tools for querying at the moment, such as World Wide Web (WWW), Gopher, FTP and countless special newsgroups. Message list and so on. Secondly, there is no definite classification of the resources on the Internet. What people want to look for is a bunch of unstructured and non-unique information. At the same time, those enthusiastic programmers, vendors, brokers are still endlessly to the Internet to fill their stuff. This has virtually brought great difficulty to the search work, there is no certain way, the Internet query information like a needle in the haystack. What kind of tool should be used to help you find the information you want quickly and easily, after reading this article, may be helpful to you.