上世纪50-70年代是交响电影配乐的黄金时代,几乎每一个电影配乐家在音乐造诣上部是深厚无比,而在这段时期横空出世的Jerry Goldsmith,同样以交响乐作为其作品的主要元素,完成了诸多精彩的创作,成为了电影配乐界又一个多产高质的配乐大师,谛造了一个传奇。 Jerry Goldsmith生于1929年2月10日,在21岁时加入了CBS广播公司.当时他并不是一名作曲家,而只是一名有对音乐创作有强烈欲望的普通打字员。后来他有幸在CBS的音乐部门见习,凭借自己的天份很快就为CBS的广播节目担任作曲工作。在1955年他终于得到一份合约--以每周150美元的代价为电视影集作曲,当时每个星期他要完成2到3个小时长度的配乐,期间的重要作品,便是电视影集The Twilight Zone》,同时在此段时期他也结识了名配乐家Alfred Newman,Alfred Newman慧眼识英雄,邀请他为电影《Lonely Are The Brave》担任配乐Jerry Goldsmith也自此挤进了好莱坞电影配乐的行列。 在Jerry Goldsmith传奇的一生中,确立了多种类型的音乐风格,其中他主要以悬疑动作电影见长,同时也写了不少战争电影音乐,其中曾入围金像奖的《Planet of The Apes》(《人猿星球》)与《Patton》(《巴顿将军》)等作品,都是与名导演法兰
The 50s-70s of the last century was the golden age of symphonic soundtrack. Almost every film musician was extremely rich in musical attainment. However, Jerry Goldsmith, who turned out to be the hero of this period, also used symphonies as the main elements of his works. Completed a lot of wonderful creation, has become a film and music industry and a prolific high-quality music master, made a legend. Born on February 10, 1929, Jerry Goldsmith joined CBS at the age of 21. He was not a composer at the time, but an ordinary typist with a strong desire for music. Later, he was fortunate to be a trainee at CBS’s music department and quickly became a composer for CBS’s broadcast program with his own talent. In 1955 he finally got a contract - a compilation of television credits for $ 150 a week, when he completed two to three hours of soundtrack each week, a major feature of the television series The Twilight Zone “, and during this time he also met the famous musician Alfred Newman, Alfred Newman insightful hero, invited him to act as the movie” Lonely Are The Brave “Jerry Goldsmith has since squeezed into the ranks of Hollywood soundtracks. In the legendary life of Jerry Goldsmith, established a variety of musical styles, of which he is mainly known as the suspense action movie, but also wrote a lot of war movie music, including the award-winning film ”Planet of The Apes“ ( ”Planet of the Apes“) and ”Patton“ (”General Patton") and other works, are director and director of flange