Detailed gravity surveys (a total of 17.878 sites) were carried out between November 1965 and June 1966 in the Sukkot and Suklandi sections (about 1.25 km2) in the Koutak area. Over the past 10 years or so A number of geological surveys were carried out and about 28,000 tonnes of chromite were mined between 1965 and 1966. In contrast to the former, no mountain work was performed except for some geological census work in the second area.The purpose of geophysical work was: Looking for new ore bodies, reclaiming the extension of old ore bodies, finding the deep ore bodies in the lower part of the known ore bodies, determining the downward extension of the mineral pipes, and circling the favorable zone in the Sucrerangji area for further arrangement of the well exploration project. Talc - Serpentinite density (2.55 g / cm ~ 3) phase