我们小组咖啡厅的设计出发点是“预制”。我们想通过预制的框架结构实现建筑的全预制化生产。在我们的设计中,所有建筑的设计单元都是轴线3 m×3 m×3 m的方形体量,它们具有完全相同的基本结构,但是在周围隔断、顶与地面的处理上可以采用不同的手法。比如,有些体量可以没有围墙,实现完全的通透,有些体量则可以四面围合,形成小的私密空间。
The starting point of our group cafe design is “prefab ”. We want to achieve full prefabrication of the building through a prefabricated frame structure. In our design, the design elements for all buildings are square volumes of 3 mx 3 mx 3 m with identical basic structures, but different configurations of the surrounding partitions, roof and floor can be used Tactics For example, some of the body weight can be no wall, to achieve complete transparency, and some body mass can be surrounded by the formation of small private space.