2000年9月号《上海消防》(新世纪预演版),登台亮相了。作为贵刊一位忠实的读者,一位老消防宣传工作者及报刊同仁,笔者谨向你们表示热烈的祝贺。 “预演版”立意新、视野宽、质量高。它那图文并茂的精心策划、深刻丰富的文章内涵、清新典雅的版块设计,宛若一份具有上海口味的精神食品,令人爱不释手,魅力无穷。 今年4月全国公安报刊社长(主编)工作会议在广州召开时,笔者作为全国公安报刊的审读员应邀参加。会上传达了公安部部长贾春旺对会议的题词“在公安特色上下功夫,在报刊林
September 2000 “Shanghai Fire” (New Century Rehearsal), debut stage. As a loyal readership magazine, an old firefighter propaganda worker and newspaper colleagues, I would like to extend my warm congratulation to you. “Rehearsal Edition” new ideas, wide field of vision, high quality. Its well-illustrated graphic, profound article content, fresh and elegant section design, just like a spirit of food with Shanghai flavor, addictive, attractive. In April this year, when the national public security newspaper president (chief editor) working conference was held in Guangzhou, the author was invited to participate as a reader of the national public security newspaper. At the meeting, Jia Chunwang, Minister of Public Security, delivered an inscription on the meeting: "Making efforts in the characteristics of public security,