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我国古代对虎的形象十分崇拜,特别是在军事上,比如在调兵遣将的兵符上面就用黄金刻上一只老虎,称为虎符。虎符最早出现于春秋战国时期,当时采用铜制的虎形作为作为中央发给地方官或驻军首领的调兵凭证,称为虎符。虎符的背面刻有铭文,分为两半,右半存于朝廷, In ancient China, the image of the tiger is very much adored. Especially in the military, for example, a tiger engraved with gold on top of a troop sentinelly is called a tiger symbol. The tiger symbol first appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when the bronze tiger shape was used as a troop transfer note issued by the Central Government to local officials or garrisons as a tiger symbol. Inscriptions engraved on the back of the tiger, divided into two halves, the right half saved in the court,
一、公关本科专业教育  本科学历教育具有系统性、正规性和高级性,决定了它是专业人才培养的主体形式,也是社会认可度最高的教育类型及层次。2013年全国设置有公共关系学本科专业的高校为18所,其中211高校(含985高校)8所,按其设置时间先后是中山大学、中国传媒大学、东华大学、上海外国语大学、海南大学、南昌大学、华东师范大学、西南大学;普通高校、独立学院和民办大学有10所,按照设置时间先后是上海师范