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六六六(六氯化苯Benzene hexachloride,簡称BHC)分子式C_6H_6Cl_6,是近代优良的杀虫剂之一、它兼具有胃毒、触杀和熏蒸三种作用,能杀灭多种害虫,效力强大,且能保持一定时期的残效。杀虫范围包括农业害虫及家庭害虫等。六六六制造过程中,主要分为两大部分:一、六六六原紛生产;二、六六六原粉加工。六六六原粉生产:原料:氯气、純苯。化学反应式:(?) 生产工艺流程簡图: 該厂系采用玻璃合成問題法,卽得氯气(液体氯蒸发)直接通入液体苯中,并用日光灯照射以促进其 Hexachlorobenzene hexachloride (BHC) Molecular formula C_6H_6Cl_6, is one of the modern excellent insecticide, which combines stomach poisoning, contact and fumigation of the three kinds of action, can kill a variety of pests, efficacy Strong, and can maintain a certain period of residual effect. Insecticidal range includes agricultural pests and family pests. BHC manufacturing process, mainly divided into two parts: one, 666 original production; two, six six six original processing. BHC production of the original powder: raw materials: chlorine, benzene. Chemical reaction formula: (?) Production process diagram: The plant is the use of glass synthesis problem method, won chlorine (liquid chlorine evaporation) directly into the liquid benzene, and fluorescent lamps to promote its
過去教地理的老師,很多都說:地理課是‘吃力不討好’的一種,也經常聽到学生反映:‘什么都好學,就是地理难学。’‘地理盡是些位置、地 Many teachers used to teach geogra
目前梨树大多数实行密植栽培。但是在密植栽培中,如果不注意控冠或控冠不得法,往往造成梨树旺 At present, most pear planting practice. However, in close planting, if
翻读1993年10期、12期的《中国花卉盆景》,觉得以下几幅作品,在造型布局、摆件设置、命题等几方面,都较成功。今简评如下: 第10期《村外》的造型,布局,给人的感觉是静如磐石