秘书长说:中国应该多派 一些工作人员到联合国来 1979年初夏。纽约联合国总部。 中华人民共和国常驻联合国代表陈楚,在那幢40层高的联合国大厦第4层的宴会厅里,举行了一个小型的鸡尾酒会,联合国秘书长瓦尔德海姆和副秘书长唐明照等一大批联合国高级官员应邀出席。 酒会在和谐友好的气氛中进行。 陈楚大使和瓦尔德海姆秘书长以及唐明照等人正
The secretary-general said: China should send more staff to the United Nations to come to the early summer of 1979. New York United Nations Headquarters. Chen Chu, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations, held a small cocktail party in the ballroom on the fourth floor of the 40-storey UN building. UN Secretary-General Waldheim and Deputy Secretary Tang Mingzhao A large number of senior UN officials were invited to attend. The reception is held in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere. Ambassador Chen Chu and Secretary-General Waldheim and Tang Mingzhao are among others