为了解海口市中小学生生长发育状况 ,我们于 2 0 0 0年 10~ 11月对全市 6所体质调研学校中小学生的脉搏、血压及肺活量等项机能指标进行了调查。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 海口市 3所中学、3所小学体质调研学校 7~ 18岁1734名学生 ,其中男 85 3名 ,女 881名。1.2 方法 脉搏
To understand the growth and development of primary and secondary school students in Haikou City, we conducted a survey on performance indicators of pulse, blood pressure and vital capacity among primary and secondary school students in 6 physical survey schools in the city from October to November in 2000. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 Object 3 secondary schools in Haikou, 3 primary school physical survey schools 7 to 18-year-old 1734 students, of whom 853 were male and 881 were female. 1.2 method of pulse