9 继美国反战影片《野战排》夺获59届奥斯卡奖之后,又有一批同类越南战争影片相继问世;其中,最引人注目的当属好莱坞头号导演巨匠代表,59岁的鬼才斯坦利·考布林克的号称“杀手锏”新片《纯金属战艳》。这是继考布林克在世界电影史上里程碑之作《2001年宇宙旅行》之后,又一部以1986年美国向越南顺化市发动街市立体战争为背景的电影新作。本片一经公映,再次将整个反战题材影片提高到一个空前的知名度。本片主要通过美国新入伍二等兵琼卡在顺化战场上创巨痛深的亲身经历和体验,集中突显了当时在异邦土地参战的美军官兵们极端厌战的心理,和反战的
9 Following the 59th Oscars won by the U.S. anti-war film “Field Platoon,” another batch of Vietnamese war films have appeared in succession. Among them, the most notable is Hollywood’s number one director masters, 59-year-old ghost Stanley Kobibulk’s nickname “killer” new film “pure metal war Yan.” This is a new movie made in the background of the 1986 U.S. Cosmos War in Hue City, Vietnam, following the publication of the 2001 Cosmos Travel, a milestone in world cinema history. Once the film is released, once again the anti-war film raised to an unprecedented popularity. The film mainly through the United States newly recruited second class Joan card in Hue battlefield a huge painstaking personal experience and experience, highlighting the then war in the Alien land of the US military officers and men extremely tired war mentality, and anti-war