过去的一年里,山东省青州工业企业增长8.1%,在非常严峻的经济环境下,取得这样的成绩,确实来之不易。青州的企业家们最为清楚,是企政工作这位“贤内助”帮了大忙。青州的企政工作迅速适应着企业发展的需要,在市场经济基础上建立起来了一整套操作程序,并无处不在地活跃于企业的运作中。 在青州,许多困难企业的“老总”都特别重视企业的思想政治工作,与全体职工一起挽狂澜于即倒,保住了全厂的饭碗,又避免了更多的职工下岗,给社会造成新的压力。青州抽纱股份有限公司是一家拥有1300名职工、7000万元固定资产的老牌企业,主要生产、出口传统手工艺品“青州府”花边大
In the past year, the industrial enterprises in Qingzhou, Shandong Province, increased by 8.1%. It is indeed hard won to achieve such a result in a very harsh economic environment. Qingzhou entrepreneurs are the most clear, is the work of the administration of the “good wife” helped a lot. Qingzhou’s government work quickly adapted to the needs of business development, based on the market economy set up a set of operational procedures, and are ubiquitously active in the operation of enterprises. In Qingzhou, many “bosses” of difficult enterprises have paid special attention to the ideological and political work of enterprises. They have turned the tide with all employees and saved their jobs in the whole factory while avoiding more laid-off workers and creating new social pressure. Qingzhou Artex Co., Ltd. is a veteran company with 1,300 employees and 70 million yuan of fixed assets. The main production and export of traditional handicraft “Qingzhou House” lace large