1938年 6月 ,中国军队在河南中牟赵口和郑州花园口相继决开黄河大堤 ,以水代兵、以黄制敌 ,阻止日本侵略军沿陇海线西进郑州 ,然后南下武汉。这一策略的决策和执行都是在秘密情况下进行的。公众知道这件事是在决堤已经成功地放出水来的时候。是谁最早把花园口决堤一事公布于世
In June 1938, the Chinese army opened the embankment of the Yellow River in Zhaokou, Henan Province, and Huayuankou, Zhengzhou City, in order to replace the Yellow River embankment with the Chinese army and use the Yellow enemy to prevent the Japanese invasion forces from navigating westwards along the Longhai Line to Zhengzhou and then southward to Wuhan. The decision-making and implementation of this strategy are conducted in secret. The public knew it was when the bank had successfully released water. Who first announced the opening of Huayuankou in the world