张跃云现任白城市人民检察院刑检二处副处长,虽然年仅37岁,却在检察机关工作了19个年头。在多年的实践中,她养成了雷厉风行、敢打硬仗的工作作风,并以嫉恶如仇、业务出色而闻名全院,曾先后获得了市劳动模范、市优秀检察官等荣誉称号。 1994年,她在办理原中国银行
Zhang Yueyun incumbent BaichengPeople’s Procuratorate criminal investigation two deputy director, although only 37 years old, but in the prosecution for 19 years. In many years of practice, she has developed a vigorous and resolute dare to fight hard work style, and to envy, good business and well-known throughout the hospital, has won the municipal model worker, municipal prosecutors and other honorary titles. In 1994, she was handling the original Bank of China