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从奥运会一开始,冠军的奖金多少问题就一直为媒体和大众津津乐道。到如今,雅典奥运胜利闭幕,有关冠军“钱”途的盘点更是此起彼伏。用理财者的眼光看,金牌除了给夺冠的运动员们带来荣誉外,还带来了丰厚的奖金、无数的馈赠。票子、房子、车子,还有无限商机。既有有形资产也有无形资产。“有形资产”部分,我国奥运冠军所得到的奖励大致来源于三个方面:一是国家,也就是来自于国家体育总局方面的奖金,今年的幅度是20万元;二是各省市政府以及体育局的奖金和实物奖励;三是来自企业或个人的现金及实物奖励。至于无形资产,头顶奥运冠军光环的运动员们由于夺金项目、个人气质等不同,利用“无形资产”换回真金白银的数量也各不相同。按照见诸报端的各种盘点推算,到目前为止,奥运冠军获得的奖金最少为150万,多的已近千万。如此大额的奖金,奥运冠军们会怎样花?这又成了公众们感兴趣的话题。110米栏冠军刘翔给出的答案之一是,他会为父母买一套房子。不过,据 From the very beginning of the Olympic Games, the number of champion bonuses has been talked about by the media and the public. By now, the Olympic Games in Athens have ended in victories, and the inventory of Champions ’money ’ has come one after another. In the eyes of financial managers, the gold medal not only brings honor to athletes who have won the championship, but also brings generous bonuses and countless gifts. Tickets, houses, cars, there are unlimited business opportunities. Both physical and intangible assets. “Tangible assets ” part of China’s Olympic champion rewards generally come from three aspects: First, the country, that is, from the State Sports General Administration bonus, this year’s rate is 200,000 yuan; second is the provincial government As well as the Sports Bureau’s bonuses and rewards in kind; third, cash and rewards in kind from businesses or individuals. As for the intangible assets, the number of athletes who use the “Olympic intangible assets” for the return of real money varies depending on the gold medal, personal qualities, etc. In accordance with the newspapers found in various inventory projections, so far, the Olympic champion won a minimum of 1.5 million, more than nearly 10 million. Such a large bonus, the Olympic champion will be how to spend? This has become the public are interested in the topic. One of the answers given by 110-meter hurdler Liu Xiang is that he will buy a house for his parents. However, according to
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20 0 3年 8月 2 4~ 2 9日  北京  近年来 ,随着高新技术的发展 ,先进热处理制造技术得到了飞速发展 ,广大热处理企业的技术改造及人员培训任务日益突出。为了提高我国制造