
来源 :昆虫天敌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzbtthappy
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拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂,在我国已逐渐大量应用于农、林、卫生等害虫的防治。据莫禹诗等报道,拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂用于防治柑桔潜叶蛾与卷叶蛾类效果显著。目前在广东、四川等省,已广泛应用捕食螨来防治柑桔红蜘蛛。如何使化学防治和生物防治协调起来,是柑桔害虫防治的一个重要问题。本研究的目的是要明了几种常用的拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂对柑桔红蜘蛛重要天敌——尼氏钝绥螨Amblyseius nicholsi Ehara er Lee的毒力,为柑桔害虫协调防治提供依据。 Pyrethroid insecticides, in our country has gradually large-scale application of pests in agriculture, forestry, health and other prevention and treatment. According to Mo Yu poetry and other reports, pyrethroid insecticides for the prevention and treatment of citrus leafminer and leaf roller moth significant effect. Currently in Guangdong, Sichuan and other provinces, has been widely used predatory mites to prevent citrus red spider. How to coordinate chemical control and biological control is an important issue for citrus pest control. The purpose of this study is to understand the toxicity of several commonly used pyrethroid insecticides to Amblyseius nicholsi Ehara er Lee, an important natural enemy of citrus red mite, and provide the basis for coordinated control of citrus pests.
害虫综合治理(Integrated Pest Management,简称IPM),是1972年提出的。在1966年,世界粮农组织(FAO)先提出了害虫综合防治(Integrated Pest Control,简称IPC),意义是相同的。
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稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Gue-nee)是我国东半部地区最重要的水稻害虫之一。近十几年来,爆发频率很高,曾经在测报和防治等生产实践中感到十分被动。 Cnaphalocr
国内外曾报道,褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugensStal可以在稗草Echinochloa crusgalli(L.)Bauv.上取食,并把稗草作为它的寄主植物之一(末永一,1958、雷惠质,1958)。但也有报道稗草
国家对用人单位在招用人员时有哪些禁止性规定? 根据2000年12月14日劳动和社会保障部发布的《劳动力市场管理规定》的规定,禁止用人单位招用人员时有下列行为:提供虚 Accor
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