中国有句古语云“巧妇难为无米之炊”。计算机就是信息处理机,那么就要有供计算机处理的信息,而让这些信息进入计算机中就要有“输入设备”,只有能提供各种各样的待处理信息,计算机这“巧妇”才有一展风采的可能。 一提到输入,大家首先就会想到键盘,但键盘是西方人发明的,不是专为中国人设计的,那么为了输入中文就要借助专门的软件,也因此就有成千上万种汉字输入法相继问世,其中有所谓音码、形码、音形结合码。但
There is an old saying in China that “clever women make bricks without straw.” Computer is the information processor, then there must be computer-processing information, and let these information into the computer there must be “input device”, only to provide a wide range of information to be processed, the computer that “clever woman” There is a possibility of style show. Mentioned first input, we first think of the keyboard, but the keyboard was invented by Westerners, not designed specifically for Chinese, then in order to enter Chinese will use specialized software, and therefore there are tens of thousands of Chinese input Law came out one after another, including the so-called sound code, shape code, sound shape combination code. but