Effects of Different Weaning Protocols on Survival, Growth and Nutritional Composition of Pharaoh Cu

来源 :中国海洋大学学报(自然科学英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kevinwang2009
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The aim of this study was to determine the optimal weaning protocols for rearing juvenile cuttlefishSepia pharaonis, as well as to understand the feeding habits of cuttlefish and develop effective aqua-cultural practices. The effects of four experimental weaning protocols (i.e., food type, cuttlefish size, food ration (bwd?1) and feeding frequency (mealsd?1)) on the growth, survival and muscle proximate composition of cuttlefish juvenile were studied in quintuplicate. The weaning period lasted 2 weeks. The results showed that cuttlefish fed with frozen white shrimp (Exopalaemon carinicauda) displayed a significantly higher survival, growth parameters, ingestion rate, food conversion rate, and muscle protein content when compared with the other prepared frozen foods. The larger individuals revealed better growth performance than smaller individuals, especially in terms of survival and specific growth rate, indicating that larger individuals were more receptive to frozen prey. Furthermore, size grading should be conducted to ensure better growth during weaning. As food rations increased, the survival, growth and muscle protein content of juveniles were promoted, whereas the most appropriate food ration for cuttlefish juvenile was 35% bwd?1. Similarly, higher feeding frequency could stimulate the appetite of animals reared on weaning, and enhance survival, growth, and protein deposition compared to low feeding frequency. These results suggest that the optimal feeding protocols of juvenile weaning is as follows: the ideal prepared food is frozen shrimp, the weight of juveniles should be 4.0g (32 days old) or more, the food ration should be 35% (bwd?1), and the opti-mum feeding frequency is 4 meals day-1. This study offers a promising starting point to successfully breed this candidate aquaculture species.
全国政协副主席、全国工商联名誉主席黄孟复15日在海南三亚召开的“三亚·财经国际论坛”上做主题演讲时表示,中国经济发展的动力现在突出显示在两个方面:一是城镇化,二是提高中国13亿人的消费水平。  “中国的主要的驱动力量应该转到内需上,而且是完全有可能的。”黄孟复说,有上述两个优势中国经济再保持7.5%到8%的发展速度20年左右的时间是完全可能的。  黄孟复说,中国已取得了由30多年的高速发展转向中速