
来源 :金田 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong512
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印刷术是中华民族的伟大发明,它的出现使中国的字体发展史开启了新的时代。本文从唐代著名雕版印刷作品《金刚经》出发,研究佛教发展和雕版印刷的关系,并从整个朝代的发展状况来分析唐代雕版印刷发展的特点。 Typography is a great invention of the Chinese nation. Its appearance has opened a new era to the development of Chinese fonts. Based on the famous engraving work “Diamond Sutra” in the Tang Dynasty, this paper studies the relationship between the development of Buddhism and stencil printing and analyzes the characteristics of the development of the stencil printing in the Tang Dynasty from the development of the whole dynasty.
土挫穷到高富帅的华丽转身  范雎是战国时期魏国人。像很多玄幻小说的男主角一样,范雎在初入历史舞台时,也是个土挫穷的悲催小子。当时范雎在魏国中大夫须贾门下做事,有一次随同须贾到齐国办事,齐襄王听说范雎挺有才华,就派人给他送去黄金美酒,想要结交一下。须贾看见了,心里很是不爽,出于妒忌,他认为肯定是范雎出卖了魏国才能得到齐襄王的另眼相看,所以一回国,就向当时的魏国宰相魏齐打小报告,无所不用其极地抹黑范雎