带胸墙的斜坡式堤防和护岸工程,在国内外得到广泛的应用,但在波浪作用下的工作机理还不很清楚,反映在设计上,归纳起来主要有三个方面: 1.怎样合理地确定堤顶标高;2.胸墙抗波能力问题;3.怎样合理地设计胸墙断面。
Slope embankment and bank protection project with chest wall are widely used at home and abroad, but the working mechanism under the action of wave is not very clear. It is mainly reflected in the design that there are mainly three aspects: 1. How to determine the embankment rationally Top elevation; 2 chest wall wave resistance issues; 3 how to design a reasonable chest wall section.