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44年来重返世界杯的朝鲜队看来想不成为焦点都不行。首战在世儿面前矜持的小负1球之后,全世界都等着看朝鲜还能否继续让人惊奇一下。他们果然做到了,次战0比7狂败于葡萄牙。这一结果让朝鲜队简直是转眼间从苍井空的男友成为凤姐的老公,惨遭命运的蹂躏。在南半球的冰雨中,朝鲜球员倾巢而出想打进救命的一个球,却一次次绝望地看见自己的球门沦陷。仔细想想,这画面其实很悲情,即使朝鲜赢了这场球,又能改变什么呢?世界还是那个世界。可是有些人不这么认为,他们总以为一场比赛的胜负对于国家民族的意义重大。朝鲜队恐怕永远也想象不到,他们在南非的表现竟让千里之外的中国球迷分裂成“朝蜜”和“朝黑”两大阵营,并发起了自超女以来声势最大也最有深度的辩论,酷似当年“玉米”和“凉粉”的对抗。这场辩论很快就突破了绿茵场的范围,精英草根、球迷非球迷、舆论领袖、文化名人都逐渐掺和了进来,双方从历史到政治,从地缘到体制,甚至上升到世界观和信仰的高度,处处对垒吵得口沫横飞,一副你死我活的态度。于是,我们这些相对中立的人有点犯迷糊了:朝鲜,这个对我们来说最熟悉的陌生国度,到底动了国人的哪根神经?说白了,朝鲜赢也好输也罢,中国人跟着激动个啥? North Korea’s return to the World Cup in 44 years does not seem to be the focus of attention. After the first battle in the first child holding a small negative 1 ball, the world is waiting to see whether North Korea can continue to make people wonder. They really did, the second war 0 to 7 defeat in Portugal. This result is to North Korea team was blink of an eye from the Aoi sister her husband become Xifeng, tragic destiny devastation. In the ice and rain in the southern hemisphere, North Korea players pour out a ball trying to save their lives, but again and again despair to see his goal fall. Think about it, this picture is actually very sad, even if North Korea won the ball, what can change? The world is still the world. However, some people do not think so. They always think that the outcome of a race is of great significance to the nation. I am afraid the DPRK team will never even imagine that their performance in South Africa has caused the Chinese fans thousands of miles away to split into two major camps, “North Korea” and “North Korea.” The most in-depth debates resembled the confrontation between “corn” and “jelly” in those days. This debate quickly broke through the pitch. Elite elites, fans non-fans, opinion leaders and cultural celebrities are blending in gradually. Both sides have gone from history to politics, from geo-religion to system and even up to world outlook and faith Heights, everywhere fights noisy foam, a life and death you live attitude. As a result, those of us who are relatively neutral are a bit confused: North Korea, which unfamiliar country is most familiar to us, is the nerve of the Chinese people? In plain language, North Korea won or lost. What?