前言 医学文献及科普文献报告,女性在月经期间周期性地出现一些症状,如肿胀、易怒、乳房触痛。然而有意义的问题是女性飞行任务的完成是否受到影响,近期相应的研究着手把工作能力作为女性在月经期和使用口服避孕药时的一个函数的工作。多数涉及体力活动,例如运动,少数关心精细工作和认知功能,
Preface Medical literature and popular literature report that women periodically experience symptoms during menstruation such as swelling, irritability, breast tenderness. However, a significant issue is whether the completion of a women’s flight mission is affected. In the recent past, corresponding research has started to work on the ability to work as a function of women’s menstrual periods and the use of oral contraceptives. Most involve physical activity, such as exercise, a few concerned about fine work and cognitive function,