The Developing Thought of “Tourist Agriculture” in Suburb of Mianyang——Lessons from Taiwan Province

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nightwish110
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Tourist agriculture, based on agriculture,is a new cross combination of agriculture and tourism from 1970s.Ithas appeared some original features by now, and weshould use the successful experience of the tourist agriculture in Taiwan of China for reference to standardize all the aspects of work.Support it more in policy,fund, technology, and propaganda, and strengthen the combination of the program of city and suburb to promote the development of the tourist agriculture in Mianyang. Tourist agriculture, based on agriculture, is a new cross combination of agriculture and tourism from 1970s.Ithas had some original features by now, and weshould use the successful experience of the tourist agriculture in Taiwan of China for reference to standardize all the aspects of work .Support it more in policy, fund, technology, and propaganda, and strengthen the combination of the program of city and suburb to promote the development of the tourist agriculture in Mianyang.
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