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多少人梦想,庭院藤架绿荫下品茗小憩,池塘绿草碧波中赏荷养性。在其中。生态水景让这样的梦想离我们越来越近了。朋友老袁是基建行家,我熟悉水生植物,我俩取长补短,共同打造了一个庭院生态水景。整体风格参照了美国不规则式自然池塘的特点,结合生态维护的理论和方法设计建造,并栽种了一些水生植物。 How many people dream of garden tea rattan shade tea, pond green grass Bibo reward. Among them. Eco-waterscape brings such a dream closer and closer to us. Lao Yuan friend is an infrastructure expert, I am familiar with aquatic plants, we both learn from each other to jointly create a courtyard ecological water features. The overall style refers to the characteristics of the irregular natural pond in the United States, and is designed and constructed according to the theories and methods of ecological maintenance. Some aquatic plants are planted.
This paper considers the effect of the anisotropic surface tension on the morphological stability of the planar interface during directional solidification.When
The composition and residue-residue interactions of knotted proteins,compared with those of other proteins,can provide considerable insight into the driver of t
In this paper, we simulate the exposure factor by a simple model of a free-air ionization chamber with the Monte Carlo programme Geant4. Special emphasis is pla