以小花鬼针草为原料,用乙醇浸提法,4因素3水平正交实验提取黄酮类物质,得出小花鬼针草总黄酮的最佳提取工艺条件为:提取温度为80℃,提取时间为2.5 h,料液比为1:20(g/mL),乙醇浓度为60%。在此条件下,提取率可达4.54%。再以草莓果实为试材,确定小花鬼针草黄酮对其采后的保鲜效果。先取部分草莓,用于各指标初始值的测定,再将其余的随机分为4组,分别用60%乙醇和小花鬼针草提取液稀释2、4、8倍的溶液喷雾处理。模拟货架期常温放置,每隔12 h测定相关指标。结果表明:小花鬼针草黄酮可在一定程度上减缓草莓腐坏速度、减慢Vc和可溶性固形物的分解、较好地保持超氧化物歧化酶的活性、减轻细胞质膜损伤、减少丙二醛的形成且随着提取液稀释倍数增加其效果减弱。
The best extraction technology for the extraction of total flavonoids from Hypoxaenia fimbriatus was as follows: the extraction temperature was 80 ℃, the extraction time 2.5 h, the ratio of solid to liquid was 1:20 (g / mL) and the concentration of ethanol was 60%. Under this condition, the extraction rate can reach 4.54%. Strawberry fruit and then to the test material, to determine the small flowers bidentate flavonoids on postharvest preservation effect. The first part of the strawberry, for the determination of the initial value of each indicator, and then the rest were randomly divided into four groups, respectively, with 60% ethanol and Picrosia extract 2,4,8 times diluted solution spray treatment. Simulated shelf life at room temperature, measured every 12 h relevant indicators. The results showed that the flavescens Bifidobacteriaceae could slow down the rotting speed of strawberry, slow down the decomposition of Vc and soluble solids, maintain the activity of superoxide dismutase, reduce the plasma membrane damage and reduce the malondialdehyde The effect is weakened as the dilution of the extract increases.