国际山地综合开发中心(ICIMOD,以下简称开发中心)于1983年12月在尼泊尔首都加德满都成立,同时举办题为“山地开发2000年”的国际讨论会。 建设亚洲中南部山地开发新中心的设想,是由德国国际发展基金会于1974年在慕尼黑举行山地环境发展会议期间提出的;1975年在尼泊尔召开的联合国人与生物圈计划地区会议的支持下,授权建立这个机构。开发中心已经得到了西德和瑞士政府为它提供约200万美元的资助。尼泊尔王国政府为它培训人员,收集和贮存资料,为研究兴部
The International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) was established in December 1983 in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, and an international symposium entitled “Mountain Development 2000” was held. The idea of a new center for mountain development in south-central Asia was proposed by the German Foundation for International Development at the Mountain Environment Conference held in Munich in 1974; with the support of the MAB Regional Meeting in Nepal in 1975, Build this institution. The development center has received about $ 2 million from the Governments of West Germany and Switzerland. The government of the Kingdom of Nepal trains its personnel to collect and store information for the purpose of researching the Hsinkoo Department