
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyt20070210
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This study assessed whether changes in size or time- course of excitatory po stsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in motoneurons innervating spastic muscle could in duce a greater synaptic response, and thereby contribute to reflex hyperexcitabi lity. We compared motor unit (MU) firing patterns elicited by tendon taps applie d to both spastic and contralateral (nonspastic) biceps brachii muscle in hemipa retic stroke subjects. Based on recordings of 115 MUs, significantly shortened E PSP rise times were present on the spastic side, but with no significant differe nces in estimated EPSP amplitude. These changes may contribute to hyperexcitable reflex responses at short latency, but the EPSP amplitude changes appear insuff icient to account for global differences in reflex excitability. This study organized whether changes in size or time-course of excitatory po stsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in motoneurons innervating spastic muscle could in duce a greater synaptic response, and so contribute to reflex hyperexcitabi lity. We compared motor unit (MU) firing patterns elicited by tendon taps applie d to both spastic and contralateral (nonspastic) biceps brachii muscle in hemipa retic stroke subjects. Based on recordings of 115 MUs, significantly shortened E PSP rise times were present on the spastic side, with no significant differences in estimated EPSP amplitude. These changes may contribute to hyperexcitable reflex responses at short latency, but the EPSP amplitude changes appear insuff icient to account for global differences in reflex excitability.
一、发展洋芋生产的一个有利途径 建始县鱼兰公社鱼兰大队,位于鄂西南海拔1,600公尺左右的高山地带。无霜期190—220天,年降雨量1,500—2,200毫米,日照1,500—1,600小时,年
2015年第11期第50页图1右下侧第四行,“满足CJJ34-2010《城镇地热供热工程技术规程》第11.0.5条地热供热尾水排放温度必须低于35℃的要求~([3])”应改为“满足CJJ 138-2010《
近几年,我们选用柽麻作短期绿肥,在全省各地进行了示范试验。通过试验,明确了以下几种茬口可以短期插种柽麻: 一、春玉米茬插种柽麻 宿迁县农业科学试验站,利用春玉米茬插种