伶仃洋汇集虎门、蕉门、洪奇沥和横门等珠江水道的来水、来沙,使海区内淤积日甚,浅滩广袤。东、西两航道把浅滩分为东滩、中滩和西滩。 西滩位于伶仃洋西侧,在蕉门、洪奇沥和横门的口外,北起蕉门口的鸡婆沙,向南有万顷沙尾的沙仙尾滩,横门滩,进口浅滩,直到淇澳岛北端的滩地。南北延伸达30余公里,东西宽约10余公里。这片滩地至今尚在发展中,前缘已直逼西航道(即伶仃航道),使西航道变窄变浅,自然水深不足10米。
Lingdingyang brings together the water from the Humen, Banmen, Hongqi and Hengmen rivers and lakes to make the siltation in the sea even more and the shallows are vast. The east and west waterways divide shallow shoals into East Beach, Middle Beach and West Beach. West Beach is located on the west side of the Lingdingyang Sea, outside the mouth of Banmen, Hongqi and Hengmen, north to Jipsha at the entrance of Jiaomen, to Shaxianwei Beach and Hengmen Beach to the south, Island north of Qi Island beach. North-South extension of more than 30 kilometers east-west width of more than 10 kilometers. The beach is still under development. The front edge has forced the western route (ie, the Lingding Channel) to narrow and shallow the West Channel, and its natural depth is less than 10 meters.