
来源 :法制博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyleSun81
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随着社会生活的不断发展,多企业多领域的发展是我国市场经济的现状。与此同时,对调节市场失灵起到关键作用的行政监管就面临不可推卸的责任。本文从我国行政监管的研究现状入手,主要包括对监管概念、主体的研究,通过列举我国行政监管存在的主要问题,针对性的提出改进的可行性对策,以供参考。 With the continuous development of social life, the development of enterprises in many fields is the status quo of the market economy in our country. At the same time, administrative regulation, which plays a key role in regulating market failure, is facing unshirkable responsibility. This article starts with the research status quo of the administrative supervision in our country, mainly including the research on the concept and the subject of regulation, the main problems existing in the administrative supervision in our country, and the feasible countermeasures of improvement proposed for reference.
Well begun half done(好的开端是成功的一半)。一节成功的英语课,其开头既要引人入胜,也要发挥其最大功用——让学生在短短的几分钟里综合运用已学知识进行听说热身,使学生
2.2治疗流行性感冒验方1:葱白3根,白菜根3个,芦根9 g。用法:诸药水煎2次,二液合一,早晚2次温服,连用2~3剂。功能:有发汗、解毒、通窍、温补、益精的作用。主治流感、流脑、乙