
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qg20090908
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目前,农村电工的管理有以下几种形式:一是乡电管站对村电工实行线损承包.也就是说,乡电管站给某村确定一个承包线损指标,超过承包线损指标的,由村电工自己负责,乡电管站只管收取国家电费和低压维护管理费部分.而村委对村电工无任何考核要求,只要有电用就行.这种情况容易造成村电工个人在执行电价政策时乱加价,这种管理形式应予以取消.二是乡电管站对村电工实行统一管理.所谓统一管理.即工作统一安排,工资统一发放,劳保、福利待遇统一标准,属于行业管理,而村里对村电工只有推荐权,没有人事管理权.这样使村委班子认为村电工已 At present, the management of rural electricians has the following forms: First, the village electric power management station applies line loss contracting to village electricians. That is to say, the rural electric power management station determines a contract line loss index for a village, exceeding the contract loss indicator. The village electrician shall be responsible for it. The township electricity management station will only charge the national electricity fee and the low-voltage maintenance management fee. The village committee will not have any assessment requirements for the village electrician as long as it has electricity. This situation will easily cause the village electrician to implement the electricity price. When the policies increase prices indiscriminately, this form of management should be abolished. Second, the village electric power management station implements unified management of village electricians. The so-called unified management, that is, the unified arrangement of work, the uniform payment of wages, and the uniform standards of labor insurance and welfare benefits, belong to industry management. In the village, only the village electricians have the right to recommend and have no personnel management rights. This makes the village committee’s team believe that the village electricians have
农村电工实行行业统管以后,考虑农电工的切身利益,解除他们的后顾之忧,将是我们农电战线需要进一步探讨的问题.永年县电力局主要做了四个方面的工作.1 合理测算农电工工资农
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