
来源 :上海社会科学院学术季刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudongzy
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1983年召开第一次“近代中国资产阶级研究学术讨论会”以来,资产阶级问题的研究又有了新的进展,本文根据近几年发表的论文,对中国资产阶级的产生、构成问题的研究进行述评,希望有助于开展讨论。什么是资产阶级?人们各说不一。西方学者认为中国学者一般采用资产阶级的广义定义,包括自由职业者和中产阶级,而西方学者一般使用狭义的定义,只包括近代企业家。其实中 Since the convening of the first Symposium on Modern Chinese Bourgeois Studies in 1983, new progress has been made in the study of the bourgeois issues. Based on the papers published in recent years, this article studies the formation and formation of the Chinese bourgeoisie. For comment, hoping to help discuss. What is the bourgeoisie? Western scholars believe that Chinese scholars generally use the broad definition of the bourgeoisie, including freelancers and the middle class, while Western scholars generally use the narrow definition, including only modern entrepreneurs. In fact
Using a sample of Chinese security analysts’recommendations from 2005 to2010,we examine the source of analysts’superiority and the investment value of their r