通过观察铁道客运系统当前服务水平及效率,本文拟采用实验经济学方法与博弈论思路,结合经济学理论,从铁道部的运营流程中提取有价值的可控变量构建模型,通过Microsoft Visual Studio形成可重复操作的系统平台构建实验模拟当前铁道客运系统票源分配机制,以及加入独立运营的竞争者后的市场情况。通过实验模拟所得数据进行分析,以期得出对当前铁道客运系统及其监管机制的客观评价及完善建议。并通过对比引入外部竞争者之后对铁道部市场份额的蚕食过程,来得出寡头市场中力量对比不均衡时的蚕食程度,对微观经济学中垄断竞争与寡头市场理论形成补充。
By observing the current service level and efficiency of railway passenger transport system, this paper intends to adopt experimental economics and game theory, combined with economic theory, to extract valuable controllable variables from the operational process of the Ministry of Railways to build a model, formed by Microsoft Visual Studio The reusable system platform construction experiment simulates the ticket source allocation mechanism of the current railway passenger transport system and the market conditions after joining the independently operated competitors. Through the experimental simulation of the data obtained for analysis, in order to arrive at the current railway passenger transport system and its regulatory mechanisms objective evaluation and suggestions. By comparing the eroded process of the market share of the Ministry of Railways after the introduction of external competitors, we can draw the conclusion that when the power balance in the oligopoly market is not balanced, the monopoly competition in microeconomics complements the theory of the oligopoly market.