
来源 :海洋环境科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LIC3352
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伴随着海岸工程设计、施工水平的不断进步和人们对海洋工程景观美学要求的日益提高,圆弧型海岸工程方案已经越来越广泛的应用于实践中。按照现行《海籍调查规范》要求,以直线形式连接两界址点是宗海图绘制的标准方法,然而“截弯取直”来描述这些圆弧型构筑物边界,面积势必会存在一定偏差,如何选取此类构筑物宗海界址点,成为能否更准确、实用的界定项目用海的关键。可是目前能够用来计算圆弧型构筑物界址点数量的模型却很少。针对此问题,本文从绘图技术要求、工程测量、竣工验收等多方面筛选和确定界定参数,在此基础上,应用解析几何法建立一套圆弧型构筑物宗海界址点数的计算模型和方法,并以大连南部沿岸海洋开发活动为例验证该模型的适用性。 Accompanied with the continuous improvement of coastal engineering design and construction level and the ever-increasing demands of people for the aesthetics of marine engineering landscape, the circular coastal engineering program has been more and more widely applied in practice. According to the current “Norms for Investigation of Maritime Surnames”, connecting two boundary points in a straight line is the standard method of sea chart drawing. However, the area of ​​these circular arc structures is bound to be certain Deviation, how to choose such structures Zonghai boundary points, become the key to more accurate and practical use of the sea to define the project. However, there are very few models that can be used to calculate the number of boundary points of arc structures at present. To solve this problem, this paper selects and determines the definition parameters from the aspects of drawing technical requirements, engineering measurement, completion acceptance, etc. Based on this, the paper establishes a set of calculation models and methods for calculating the number of boundary points in the arc-type structures using analytic geometry , And take the marine development activities in southern Dalian as an example to verify the applicability of this model.
Purpose: Pain assessment is a key component of good pain management in hospitalized infants.This study aimed to translate and adapt a version of pain measuremen
近日,一位朋友打来电话,称“深圳的大超市有销售始兴县澄江镇的有机蔬菜,品种繁多,有野芹菜、蕨菜和小白菜等,价格每斤在20元左右。”一个山区小镇的蔬菜为何能登上广深餐桌呢,带着这个疑问,笔者来到了澄江镇。  生态优势引来“金凤凰”  澄江镇位于始兴县城以东31公里,这里风景优美,物产丰富,是一个山区农业镇,也是革命老区。在澄江镇暖田村有机农业标准示范园,绿油油的蔬菜一望无边,一片生机勃勃的景象。  
本文以我国种植和育成的转基因棉花品种作为研究对象,于2003~2004年在扬州大学江苏省遗传生理开放实验室,探讨移栽方式下棉株生长发育、碳氮代谢和氮磷钾吸收分配的特点。研究获得的主要结果如下: 1,转基因抗虫棉参试品种的生长发育变化呈4种生长发育特征。中棉所41、中棉所29、鲁棉研15、科棉1号和科棉3号这5个品种的株高和LAI增长快,现蕾和成铃强度大,营养器官和生殖器官生物量高,且两者比例
由花叶病毒引起的大豆花叶病毒病(soybean mosaic virus,SMV)是我国大豆生产中的严重病害。它可导致大规模的大豆减产。因此,迫切需要应用现代分子生物学的方法从整体水平上深入研究抗病机理,以寻找提高抗性的行之有效的方法。本文通过对抗病×感病杂交组合的后代分析,验证了高抗SMV的大豆品系95-5383的抗性遗传规律,利用cDNA-AFLP技术分析大豆花叶病毒病侵染后的基因表达情况,回