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郑志辉山西蓝海国际汽配城总经理玉马长啸辞旧岁,金羊献瑞迎新年。在这硕果累累的喜悦中,山西蓝海国际汽配城和您一起送走了2014,迎来了2015。在新年来临之际,向行业同仁致以节日的祝贺和崇高的敬意!向热心支持汽配行业发展的各级领导表示衷心地感谢!祝大家新春快乐,家庭幸福,生意兴隆,万事如意!2014年2月-3月,山西蓝海国际汽配城汽车用品广场招商、开业,弥补蓝海汽配城在用品企业数量上的不足,满足蓝海市场周边众多4S店新车车主及太榆两地广大 Zheng Zhihui Shanxi Blue Ocean International Auto Parts City General Manager Yu Ma Chang Xiao old speech, the year of the Jinyang Xianrui. In this fruitful joy, Shanxi Blue Ocean International Auto Parts City and you get away with 2014, ushered in the 2015. On the occasion of the New Year, I would like to extend my festive greetings and high respect to all my colleagues in the industry. I sincerely thank all leaders at all levels who enthusiastically support the development of the auto parts industry. I wish you all a happy New Year, a happy family, a prosperous business and good luck! February-March, Shanxi Blue Ocean Auto Parts City Auto Parts Plaza Merchants, opening, to make up for the Blue Ocean Auto Parts City in the number of enterprises deficiencies in the Blue Sea to meet the market around the many 4S shop car owners and Tai Yu two vast
1.在孔子讲学授道的地方聆听圣人教诲。  Listening to a lecture in the place where Confucius used to teach his students       2.古老的石碾蕴含了中国悠久的历史文化,深受各国学生喜爱。  The ancient stone grinder contains the time-honored Chinese cul