激光,是近十几年来发展起来的一门尖端科学技术。它在国防建设、工农业生产及科学实验等各方面都有着极为广泛的用途。因此,它越来越引起人们的重视,发展十分迅速。一、激光的特性激光与普通光(如太阳光、电灯光、火光等)相比,具有如下特性: 1.亮度高光源在单位面积上,向某一方向的单位立体角内发射的光功率,称为光源在这个方向上的亮度。激光的亮度极高。如一台红宝石巨脉冲激光器产生的激光比太阳光还要亮上百亿倍(太阳的亮度约165000熙提,红宝石巨脉冲激光器
Laser, is a cutting-edge science and technology developed in recent decades. It has a very wide range of uses in various fields such as national defense construction, industrial and agricultural production and scientific experiments. Therefore, it has drawn more and more attention and developed rapidly. First, the characteristics of laser Laser and ordinary light (such as sunlight, electric light, flare, etc.) compared with the following characteristics: 1. High brightness light source unit area, to a certain direction of the unit of solid angle of light emitted power , Called the brightness of the light source in this direction. The brightness of the laser is very high. Such as a ruby giant pulse laser laser generated even more than 10 billion times the sun (the brightness of the sun is about 165,000 heeti, ruby giant pulse laser