The authors propose the use of boiling water-soluble contrast agent percutaneous transhepatic injection therapy (PCIT) for the treatment of liver tumors and the use of adult dogs as a basis for experiments. The temperature at the injection site immediately rose above 80 ° C after injection, suggesting that PCIT and percutaneous transhepatic saline injection therapy PSIT can also produce high temperature coagulation necrosis. The temperature rise was also observed at a distance of 1 cm from the injection point. As the injection amount increased, the temperature also increased accordingly. 2cm away from the tip no change in temperature. Histological examination showed complete necrosis in the local liver tissue centered on the injection site. According to PCIT group immediately or 1 week after the plain radiographs, see the distribution of contrast agent, suggesting that by X-ray and CT to determine the scope of treatment. It can be considered PCIT and PSIT also have the role of the injection site of liver tissue necrosis is a treatment that can replace PEIT.