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当前,全国大部分地区已经进入主汛期,灾害形势依然严峻。近日,国务院总理李克强、国务院副总理汪洋和国务委员、国家减灾委员会主任王勇等国务院领导同志先后作出重要批示,要求各地区、各部门把保护群众生命安全放在首位,着力加强防灾抗灾救灾工作的组织领导,进一步健全指挥协调机制。6月19日,为认真贯彻国务院领导同志重要批示精神,扎实做好今年汛期防灾抗灾救灾各项工作,国家减灾委员会向各成员单位及各地减灾委员会发出通知,要求减灾委各成员单位要进一步完善防灾抗灾救灾各项措施并做好相关工作,严格落实责任,加强监督预警,密切关注灾害趋势,认真查找薄弱环节,遇有重大险情要科学实 At present, most of the country has entered the main flood season, and the disaster situation is still grim. Recently, State Council Premier Li Keqiang, State Council Vice-President Wang Yang and State Councilor Wang Yong, director of the National Disaster Reduction Committee and other leading cadres of the State Council have made important instructions successively and demanded that all localities and departments give top priority to the protection of the life and safety of the masses and strive to strengthen disaster prevention, disaster relief and relief Work organization and leadership, to further improve the command and coordination mechanism. On June 19, in order to conscientiously implement the important instructions from the leading comrades of the State Council and do a good job in disaster prevention, disaster relief and relief work in this year’s flood season, the National Disaster Reduction Committee issued a circular to all member units and the disaster reduction committees around the country to urge each member unit of the Disaster Reduction Committee to go further We will improve various measures for disaster prevention, disaster reduction and disaster relief and do a good job of related work. We will strictly implement our responsibilities, strengthen supervision and early warning, pay close attention to the trend of disasters, conscientiously find weaknesses, and seek truth from facts in case of serious danger
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