Classified-edge guided depth resampling for multi-view coding

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A new depth resampling for multi-view coding is proposed in this paper. At first, the depth video is downsampled by median filtering before encoding. After decoding, the classified edges, including credible edge and probable edge from the aligned texture image and the depth image, are interpolated by the selected diagonal pair, whose intensity difference is the minimum among four diagonal pairs around edge pixel. According to different category of edge, the intensity difference is measured by either real depth or percentage depth without any parameter setting. Finally, the resampled depth video and the decoded full-resolution texture video are synthesized into virtual views for the performance evaluation. Experiments on the platform of multi-view high efficiency video coding (HEVC) demonstrate that the proposed method is superior to the contrastive methods in terms of visual quality and rate distortion (RD) performance.
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在固态阴极射线发光中, 过热电子碰撞激发有机材料而发光, 因此加速层对电子的加速能力是影响器件发光亮度的关键因素之一。 分别以SiO2和ZnO作为加速层, 制备出两种固态阴极射线发光器件A: ITO/MEH-PPV/SiO2/Al和B: ITO/MEH-PPV/ZnO/Al。 通过理论计算比较了电子从电极注入到加速层的隧穿电流密度以及SiO2层与ZnO层的电场强度, 计算结果表明: 在相同驱动电压下, SiO2作为电子加速层时隧穿电流的密度要大于ZnO层的隧穿电流的密度, 并且SiO2层的电场强度比ZnO
分析了泵浦光强对激光相位共轭谐振腔中探测光场的作用。基于稳定性定理, 通过确定系统的Lyapunov指数, 数值计算了在不同泵浦光强下的激光相位共轭波的非线性效应。结果显示, 泵浦光强是系统的控制参量。调节泵浦光强的数值, 系统的动力学性质发生了改变, 可以呈现一周期、二周期、四周期以及倍周期分岔、周期并缩和混沌现象。