严格节能奖惩制度 保证节能降耗

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节约能源是我国的长期国策,节约能源必须保持连续性。我厂为了保证节约梯度,实行严格考核。考核指标年年上台阶,步步攀高:如总厂对科技处的吨钢可比能耗考核指标1984年为1.15t标煤/t钢,1985年为1.1t标煤/t钢,1986年为1.07t标煤/t钢,1987年为1.0t标煤/t钢。水平年年提高,年年上台阶。不允许下降。对工序能耗考核也是一样,如对炼铁工序的考核,1984年为520kg标煤/t铁,1985年为515kg标煤/t铁,1986年为510kg标煤/t铁,1987年为508kg标煤/t铁。考核指标有根据地逐年缩紧,有利于强化节能管理,开展节能技术措施活动。 To save energy is our country’s long-term national policy. To save energy, we must maintain continuity. I plant in order to ensure conservation gradient, the implementation of strict examination. Assessment indicators rise to a new level every year and go up step by step: For example, the assessment index of comparable energy consumption per ton of steel at the Technology Department is 1.15t standard coal / t steel in 1984 and 1.1t standard coal / t steel in 1985, 1.07t standard coal / t steel, 1.0t standard coal / t steel in 1987. The level of increase every year, every year on the stage. Not allowed to decline. The same applies to the assessment of process energy consumption. For example, the assessment of the ironmaking process was 520 kg bbl / t iron in 1984, 515 kg bbl / t iron in 1985, 510 kg bbl / t iron in 1986 and 508 kg in 1987 Standard coal / t iron. Assessment indicators are gradually tightening year by year, is conducive to strengthening energy management, energy conservation measures to carry out activities.
本文对我科在1987~1993年之间给放疗并用中药、微波加温、免疫治疗的晚期肝癌21例,做一回顾性分析。 In this paper, we retrospectively analyzed 21 patients with late-s
目的 中药天龙丹对Hep—A—22荷瘤小鼠抑瘤作用的研究。方法 对Hep—A—22荷瘤小鼠进行为期10天的灌胃给药后取瘤称重,通过抑瘤率判断天龙丹对小鼠移植瘤的抑制作用。结果 当
1 临床资料 我们利用免疫吸附方法治疗多发性骨髓瘤并发肾衰取得了良好的效果,现报道如下: 患者,男,72岁,入院前3个月感到周身乏力、食欲不振,2周前恶心、呕吐、少尿,伴有咳