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“香山帮”是以木匠领衔,集泥水匠、漆匠、堆灰匠、雕塑匠、叠山匠、彩绘匠等古典建筑工种于一体的庞大建筑工匠群体,因明代建造了世界文化历史遗产之一的北京紫禁城(今北京故宫)而名扬四海。不仅如此,西藏的布达拉宫、江南的众多园林、美国大都会博物馆“明轩”、新加坡的蕴秀园等海内外杰出建筑皆出自“香山匠人”之手。“香山帮传统建筑营造技艺”也因此于2006年被列入国家第一批非物质文化遗产,于2009年入选 “Xiangshan Gang” is a large group of construction artisans led by carpenters, including the masons, painters, ashtray, sculptor, stacker and carpenter. Because Ming Dynasty built the world cultural and historical heritage One of Beijing’s Forbidden City (now Beijing’s Forbidden City) and famous. Not only that, Tibet’s Potala Palace, Jiangnan many gardens, the US Metropolitan Museum “Mingxuan ”, Singapore’s Xiu Xiuyuan and other outstanding buildings at home and abroad are from “Xiangshan craftsmen ” hand. “Fragrant Hills to help create a traditional architecture ” and therefore in 2006 was included in the country’s first batch of intangible cultural heritage, selected in 2009