市面上的传感器,各自都有其独特的功能。若能通过一定的设计,使之在原有的功能上再增添新的功能,这样能得到一器多用的效果。现就我们在实际工作中的体会表述如下。 (1)温度传感器增加湿敏效应功能常用的温度传感器是热敏电阻器。随着温度的增加,其电阻值也相应增加。若将热敏电阻器组成电桥,就可将电阻值的变化量转变成电压值的变化量,这样就能很方便的通过电子电路测出温度的变化量来。 在实际工作中,我们还发现,可以用热敏电阻器来测环境的相对湿
Sensors on the market, each with its own unique features. If through a certain design, so that in the original function and then add new features, so you can get a multi-purpose effect. Now on our experience in the actual work is as follows. (1) temperature sensor to increase the humidity effect function commonly used temperature sensor is a thermistor. As the temperature increases, the resistance value also increases accordingly. If the thermistor bridge, you can change the resistance value into a change in the voltage value, so that you can easily measure the amount of temperature changes through the electronic circuit to. In practice, we also found that the thermistor can be used to measure the relative humidity of the environment