一切艺术都必须与时俱进,不断创新,才能适应时代的需要,不断繁荣发展。作为戏剧艺术的重要组成部分,舞台美术也毫不例外。 21世纪是一个高度发达的新世纪,现代化是其时代的主要特点。因此,舞美设计必须紧紧把握住现代化这一精髓,方能取得显著的成效。所谓“现代化”,原本是一个内涵十分宽泛的概念,它指不发达社会成为发达社会的过程和目标。作为过程,其首要标志是用先进技术发展生产力,使生产和消费水平不断提高,社会结构和政治意
All arts must advance with the times and innovate in order to meet the needs of the times and continuously prosper and develop. As an important part of drama, stage art is no exception. The 21st century is a highly developed new century and modernization is the main feature of its era. Therefore, the design of the stage must be firmly grasp the essence of modernization in order to achieve remarkable results. The so-called “modernization” was originally a very broad conception. It refers to the process and goal of underdeveloped society becoming a developed society. As a process, its primary symbol is to develop productive forces with advanced technology so that the level of production and consumption will continue to rise. Social structure and political will