Design and Application of an Intelligent Agent for Web Information Discovery

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fgq8022
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With the propagation of applications on the internet, the internet has become a great information source which supplies users with valuable information. But it is hard for users to quickly acquire the right information on the web. This paper an intelligent agent for internet applications to retrieve and extract web information under user’s guidance. The intelligent agent is made up of a retrieval script to identify web sources, an extraction script based on the document object model to express extraction process, a data translator to export the extracted information into knowledge bases with frame structures, and a data reasoning to reply users’ questions. A GUI tool named Script Writer helps to generate the extraction script visually, and knowledge rule databases help to extract wanted information and to generate the answer to questions. With the propagation of applications on the internet, the internet has become a great information source which supplies users with valuable information. But it is hard for users to quickly acquire the right information on the web. This paper an intelligent agent for internet applications to retrieve and extract web information under user’s guidance. The intelligent agent is made up of a retrieval script to identify web sources, an extraction script based on the document object model to express extraction process, a data translator to export the extracted information into knowledge bases with frame structures, and a data reasoning to reply users’ questions. A GUI tool named Script Writer helps to generate the extraction script visually, and knowledge rule databases help to extract wanted information and to generate the answer to questions.
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