我们经常会赞叹风光摄影家捕捉到的奇美场景,这不仅需要娴熟的拍摄技巧,更需要到达那里的毅力和勇于尝试的心。新疆是风光摄影师梦寐以求的目的地,它的壮美和瑰丽对于摄影师和相机都是一种挑战。我们将跟随风光摄影家于云天的镜头,看看佳能EOS 5D MarkⅢ为我们呈现出怎样的风景。
Often we marvel at the chic scene captured by a landscape photographer, which requires not only skillful filming but more perseverance and courage to get there. Xinjiang is a dream photographer destination, its magnificent and magnificent for photographers and cameras are a challenge. We will follow the scenery photographer Yu Yuntian lens to see Canon EOS 5D Mark III showing us what kind of scenery.