
来源 :林业经济评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laq_sky
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拍卖机制作为一种公有或集体所有的自然资源私有化的创新流转形式,可以帮助确定公平有效的活立木市场价格及最优保留价,为林权流转交易提供可靠的市场依据,并最终实现卖方及社会福利的最大化。本文综述了国外活立木拍卖领域的主要研究成果:通过对比几种主要信息结构假设下的理论框架,归纳总结了拍卖理论的核心模型及其衍生模型的理论沿革及实证研究成果,以期对未来中国林地、林木的公平交易、有效流转的理论研究及政策实践提供坚实的理论依据和有益的借鉴。 As an innovative form of circulation of public ownership or collectively owned privatization of natural resources, the auction mechanism can help to determine the fair and effective market price of living wood and the optimal reserve price, provide a reliable market basis for the transaction of forest rights transactions, and finally realize the seller’s And the maximization of social welfare. This article summarizes the main research results in the field of live standing wood auction in foreign countries. By comparing several theoretical frameworks under the premise of the main information structure, this paper summarizes the theoretical evolution and empirical research results of the core model of the auction theory and its derivative models, Provide a solid theoretical basis and useful reference for the fair trade of forest land and trees, the theoretical research and policy practice of effective circulation.
2013年光棍节(即11月11日)那一天,淘宝商城的销售额不知不觉就超过了350亿元!其实不止淘宝,无论是网上商城还是实体店铺,都会因节假日的到来使得其销售额有大幅度的提升,对于某些大型超市来说,有时节假日几天的销售额几乎可以媲美平时一个月。  人们为什么一到节假日就会开始疯狂购物呢?答案很简单,因为一到节假日,产品必然会有价格折扣。但是价格折扣难道只有节假日才有吗?事实并非如此,很多商品在平日里