
来源 :中国汽摩配 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gxb396104807
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2005年,经全国19个省、市的33家汽(摩)配商(协)会、汽配市场推荐、审核,共评选出“全国汽配市场信誉经销商”631家。为进一步扩大宣传、弘扬诚信之风,树立汽配流通企业的诚信典型,《中国汽摩配》杂志将陆续对每家信誉商户的企业情况进行宣传、介绍。各地的信誉商户将分期刊登,兼顾各地,排序不分先后。在刊登过程中,如有疏漏之处,请随时与本刊编辑部联系,以便及时改正。 In 2005, the 33 auto dealers (associations) in 19 provinces and cities across the country and the auto parts market recommended and audited a total of 631 “National Auto Parts Distributors”. In order to further expand the publicity, promote the style of honesty and credibility, establish the integrity of the auto parts distribution business model, “China Auto Parts” magazine will be one of each credit business reputation of the business promotion, introduction. Around the credibility of merchants will be published in phases, taking into account all, in no particular order. In the publication process, if any omissions, please feel free to contact with the editorial department, in order to promptly correct.
【摘要】英语是一门语言,语言的学习离不开交际能力的培养。而英语口语教学的现状却不容乐观。作为一名初中英语教师要认识到英语口语教学的重要性,并认清当前我国英语口语教学的现状。在进行英语口语教学时,教师要利用好课堂为学生创设好情境并通过多种活动调动学生的积极性。  【关键词】交际能力 教师水平 环境 活动  “说”作为英语学习的一个重要方面,在英语课堂上教师要给予充分的重视。初中是英语学习的重要时期,