寒武纪没有化石苔藓动物的任何记录。最老的、毫无疑问的、真正的苔藓动物,发现于我国峡东地区的下奥陶统特马豆克阶地层中。这类苔藓动物以丰富但多样性低的变口目和少量的隐口目为代表。弗洛期的一些苔藓动物,在北美、英国和波罗的海地区(俄罗斯西北部)已相继发现,这时以Ceramopora unapensis为代表的泡孔目苔藓动物开始出现,有一定的多样性。中奥陶世初期,苔藓动物迅速崛起,古生代狭唇纲的四个目---变口目、隐口目、泡孔目和管孔目(=环口目)苔藓动物都已经有了代表。由于奥陶纪是苔藓动物发生、演化发展和辐射的重要时期,因此,奥陶纪,特别是早奥陶世苔藓动物的任何新的发现,都有重要的意义。本文描述和解释的一个新的苔藓动物群,发现于安徽滁州琅琊山弗洛阶的红花园组上部。这个苔藓动物群由变口目爱沙尼亚苔虫亚目的两个种:Dianulites hexaporites(Pander),Orbiramus grandissp.nov.和隐口目翼网苔虫亚目的一个种:Prophyllodi-ctya putilovensisLavrentjeva组成。尽管这个苔藓动物群在局部地区可能还是低多样性的,但就整个世界范围而言,有一定的多样性,类似于同样以变口目苔藓动物占优势的比林根苔藓动物群,后一苔藓动物群产于波罗的海以东地区(俄罗斯西北部)同时代的地层中。
There are no records of fossil bryozoans in the Cambrian. The oldest, undoubtedly, real bryozoans were found in the Lower Ordovician Temacunac strata in the Gap East region of our country. Such bryozoans are represented by a rich but diverse list of mutants and a few hidden orders. Some floristic animals in the Float Period have been successively discovered in North America, the United Kingdom and the Baltic Sea region (northwestern Russia). At this time, the fossil moss species represented by Ceramopora unapensis began to emerge with some diversity. In the early period of the Middle Ordovician, the mosses rapidly emerged. The four Palaeozoic siblings of the Palaeozoic have been represented by the order of the order, the order of the order, the order of the order of perforation and the order of the order of the order . Because Ordovician is an important period for the occurrence, evolution and radiation of the mosses, it is of great significance that any new discoveries of Ordovician, especially of the Early Ordovician moss. A new group of moss fades described and explained in this article was found in the upper part of the Honghuayuan Formation in Frog Valley, Langya Mountain, Chuzhou, Anhui Province. The bryozoan consists of two species of the order Estuarina: Dianulites hexaporites (Pander), Orbiramus grandissp. Nov., And one species of the suborder Cyperaceae: Prophyllodi-ctya putilovensis Lavrentjeva. Although this moss fauna may still be of low diversity in some areas, there is some diversity across the world, similar to the group of Bryne Bryophytes, also dominated by the moss, The moss fauna is found in the contemporaneous formations to the east of the Baltic Sea (northwestern Russia).