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十九世纪以前,人们认为要制造由活细胞、生物体所产生的有机化合物,必须有一种“生命力”,人工合成是不可能的。尽管十八世纪后半期,有机化合物的分离和提纯工作得到较快的发展,“生命力”论仍然占统治地位。1824年德国化学家维勒(1800—1882)用无机试剂氰酸钾和硫酸铵的水溶液加热来制取氰酸铵,不料在溶液中得到了只能在生物体内生成的有机物“尿素”。经过四年的研究,维勒在1828年发表了《论尿素的人工合成》,引起轰动。尿素的人工合成突破了无机化合物和有机化合物的绝对界限,动摇了“生命力”论的基 Before the nineteenth century, people believed that to produce organic compounds produced by living cells and organisms, there must be a kind of “vital power”, and artificial synthesis was impossible. Despite the rapid development of the separation and purification of organic compounds in the latter half of the eighteenth century, the “vital power” theory still dominated. In 1824, the German chemist Weiler (1800-1882) prepared ammonium cyanate by heating an aqueous solution of inorganic reagents potassium cyanate and ammonium sulfate. Unexpectedly, organic urea, which can only be produced in the body, was obtained in solution. After four years of research, Weiler published the “Synthesis of Urea” in 1828, which caused a sensation. The artificial synthesis of urea broke through the absolute limits of inorganic compounds and organic compounds, and shaken the foundation of the “vitality” theory.
经济学家休·霍沃思(美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的首席政策分析员)和黎鸿基(曾是 SEC 的注册执业会计师和财务分析员,现是香港美国信孚银行政策研究分析员)是长期研究证券
【正】 会计这份财富是国际性的遗产,它属于全人类。然而在不同时期和不同国家,由于社会制度、政治、经济、风俗和习惯等多种因素的影响,会计的发展却带有明显的民族和国家色
2018年6月25日,新加坡测量师与评估师协会(The Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers,SISV)与新加坡证券交易所(Singapore Stock Exchange,SGX)共同宣布新加坡上市公司、RE
稻田养鲤鱼或鲫鱼的放养密度为 :水深 30 cm左右时每公顷稻田 45 0 - 5 0 0尾 ,鱼苗体重为 75 -1 0 0 g/尾 ;稻田水深 35 - 5 0 cm时 ,每公顷放 5 0 0 -60 0尾 ,鱼苗体重 1 0